This is a record of my journey in our garden.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The small bed I call the "Driveway Bed"

As I wait for spring and gardening weather I wish to try and document all of my small garden beds so.... this is my "Driveway bed".
Spring 2010, we had added tulips in the fall of 2009.
There are peonies behind and day lilies in front of the tulips which will help hide the foliage after the blooms have faded. Those are Crab Apples in the distance.
Aladdin Tulips, we had this kind of tulip in the back yard but lost them after about two years. Not sure if it was squirrels or the condition of the bed at that time. 

I think I will be adding more Aladdin's, but will wait to make sure  they do well here.
A new clematis "Bonanza" also added 2009
An other clematis "Arctic Queen" a double white  was added 2010. Its to small to see here, its even hard to see the second trellis. I am hoping it will make it. I could not find a good specimen but had to have it anyway. You  know how it is when you just can't walk away!
Not the best angle but it had rained and the peonies were droopy
The sun is a little bright here but you can see  the evergreen that fills up that side of the house. I love peonies but if its going to rain you might as well cut them for a bouquet for the house.

Day lilies
These day lilies  were here when we bought this house 7 years ago. They have been moved three times.
I think we have finally found the wright spot for them.
Its always more fun to pick your own plants, especially day lilies there are so many to choose from. Some times you have to use what you already have, these add color when nothing else was blooming.


  1. You have a lovely 'driveway bed'. It is notoriously more difficult to grow next to the driveway due to heat and gravel base, but your plants are far enough in and very happy.

  2. Thanks gardenwalkgardentalk Its always a work in progress.

  3. BeautifuL! And I especially love those tulips! I've never seen that variety before...just lovely!

  4. Thanks Betsy, I do love those tulips thats why I'm trying them again.

  5. Great driveway bed. Everything looks lovely...so bright and happy.
    Hope I have the same soon.

  6. Looks like you have a lot of blooms to look forward to again this year! What a lovely collection!



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